How do I Change an Email Password?

If a user needs to change the password for their email account, they may login and set a new password. If a user forgets their password, only the root user can login and reset the password.

To change the password for an email user, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window go to :
  2. Login using your email address and password. If you do not know the password, please follow the steps below to view or reset it.
  3. From the Settings menu select My Settings.

  4. On the Mailbox tab, enter the following information:
    Current Password: enter the current password
    New Password: enter the new password
    Confirm Password: re-enter the new password
  5. Click Save.

To view or reset your password, please follow these steps:

  1. Open a browser window go to:
  2. Login as with the password supplied in your setup email.
  3. From the Domain Settings menu select Email Users .

  4. Click on the email User.

  5. On the Mailbox tab, enter the following information :
    New Password: enter the new password
    Confirm Password: re-enter the new password

  6. Click Save.